Thursday, April 28, 2011

Arizona Livin'

Loving the sun here in Arizona!!!  Its been comfortably warm the last two days, although its supposed to be about 10 degrees hotter today...........We visited  the Desert Museum outside of Tucson yesterday; it was much cooler than I thought it would be-- not only did it have all kinds of reptiles, amphibians, and mammals native to the Sonora Desert, it had a hummingbird aviary, a bee exhibit, and a second aviary with other types of birds and ducks.  The place had a number of trails that wound around the acreage, with natural enclosures with wolves, peccaries, etc and nameplates on the many different types of cacti.  Apparently the Saguaro cactus doesnt start forming arms until it is 70 years old!  We learned how to make tequila and agave nectar and brooms with the agave plants, and that they only live for 12 or 13 years.  There was also a couple caves with the different minerals found there (malachite, turquoise, etc) both in polished and natural forms, and the second one dealt more with the natural evolution of the area over billions of years, with stalactites and stalagmites, cool tunnels, and manmade artifacts found in different areas of the desert.

Today we actually have some things that need to be done: laundry, pet vaccinations, um........I think thats it.  I started the day out by sleeping in, doing some laps in the pool, showering,eating breakfast about is rough!  Jonny is having an especially hard time adjusting to retired life-- once he finally got into the pool last night, he didnt even want to paddle around.  He's exercising his xbox skills.  Unfortunately, his allergies are still bothering him quite a bit-- we were told the mesquite is in bloom here.  We were driving to the Museum yesterday and actually saw some green grass at a golf course!  Jonny had his first (and probably last) IN-N-OUT burger yesterday; verdict: fresh, but just okay.  The service was great. The patty was way too small.

Animals are doing pretty good; the cats havent gotten out yet, and Eli hasnt attacked anyone.  I took kitten out on a leash in California and she did okay, but the other small halter doesnt fit Ozzy -- we need to get another one today.

Oh, met some people from Salem here at the RV park last night-- they are retired and just sold their house at the beginning of the month and are waiting for two weeks before moving into their newly acquired Arizona home.  Pretty nice people.  They thought it was awesome we were following our dreams instead of being scared of the unknown. 
Jim and Sara are excited, they have set a date already to come down and visit us in Honduras this fall!!! Hope to hear from more of you, soon!

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